Friday, July 24, 2009

Thing #8: RSS and Readers

Yes, I am a part of that population of people who had no idea how RSS operated. I'd seen that orange icon hundreds of times but didn't truly understand what it meant.
What do you like about RSS and readers? I like the fact that your email inbox can be just slightly less flooded with notices about people updating their pages. I also like that the reader automatically flags each article as read as you read them.
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life? If the faculty, campus, district, PTO, etc. had their own blogs or sites, I could get automatic updates without having to check each one individually. It's definitely a time saver.
How can libraries/teachers/administrators use readers or take advantage of this new technology? Any of librarian, teacher, or administrator could use readers to help keep updated about the community, education news from various governing bodies such as SBEC or TEA, and even stay updated about upcoming books, technology, and more that are of interest to their student population. The list of possible uses could just go on and on.


  1. Glad to know I am not alone. I have ignored it sitting there in the corner of my pages again and again. Now I can be constructive [lol] about how to use them. I worry I might go overboard and not know how to manage them.

  2. Pepper- If you have google reader and visit it every now and then, it almost manages itself. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one out there who ignored it or didn't know what it was.
    Thanks for commenting!
